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Easy ways to turn in points and no points accepted without the points form AND timeslips tuned in:

  1. Print and fill in the points form, hand that and timeslips to Russ Hines.

  2. Print and fill in the points form, mail that and timeslips to Russ Hines

  3. Copy/Print and fill in the points form, Clearly scan points form and timeslips and send by email.

  4. Take a picture of the form and timeslips and email or text.

  5. Some scans are hard to read or you may not have a scanner, so take pictures of the form and your timeslips and send by email.

Remember, a racer has 30 days to turn in points.  If the race was March 22nd, no points will be accepted if received April 23.  Don't wait or trust post office to get postmarked in time.  No Run for the Money or buyback rounds awarded, first round loss earns 100 pts for that race.  Timeslips will be returned after being posted should a racer want them back.  If there are any questions, call, text or email.

 To help clarify bonus points for out of town races.  For first round you get 50 (which is main bonus for out of town) and you also get 10 for the round.  Making the bonus points for first round 60.  All rounds after that get a bonus of 10 points.


4 rounds out of town would be 400 for the rounds and 90 bonus points, not including any other bonus points you might get, winner,runner up etc. 

1st round bonus 50 and 10 = 60

2nd round bonus 10

3rd round bonus 10

4th round bonus 10 

Total points to turn in 490 

Any use, copying, publication, transmission, display, downloading, or distribution of any pictures from this website is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of SWDRA officers.

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